Rob Haskell
writer | thinker | speaker
Rob Haskell
writer | thinker | speaker


Letters from my keyboard

The Stupidity of Atheism culture

I can’t say that I had high expectations from an article that began by praising the phrase “the stupidity of atheism” as courageous. Why is it that Christians are so


God Bless the USA Bible Highlighting culture

There’s a lot of talk about Trump’s endorsement of a new God Bless the USA bible . I’m sure God is grateful. Most outsiders to American Christianity are probably unaware


Response to Mark Tooley’s Christian Nation Etc. culture

I left this comment on Mark Tooley’s article in Juicy Ecumenism. I was poking around the website because it is a publication of the Institute of Religion and Democracy, and


“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen” brainy

CS Lewis is the grandfather of Christian apologists. Learned, winsome, and epically good at writing children’s fantasy books. Like many people who grew up in Christian families, I read through


The Three Stages of Bible Study creative

Stage one When you are first introduced to the Bible as child, you know that it is the word of God. You know it contains a wisdom that is higher


Orbits creative

Yesterday I drove into town on highway 20, crossing the tiny slice of our globe that extends from Sedro Wooley to Burlington, using the stored energy of that other prominent


“The Sanctity of Life” in Alabama’s Supreme Court IVF Decision culture

The news has been abuzz with outrage about a recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court regarding IVF (“in vitro fertilization”), and Judge Tom Parker’s religious justification of the decision.


The Fall creative

I fell from such dizzying heights Like icarus in a widening gyre Tumbling down in an elegant arc And spiraling away from all that is safe and certain. It’s not


Doug and the Millers creative

A parable

The Millers lived a few miles outside of town, at the foot of a local mountain. I say mountain. Some people would call it a large hill. Depends on your


Keep. It. Simple. culture

The power of appealing to basic principles in polemics about science

Skeptics, like the characters in Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities, live in the best of times and the worst of times. On the one hand, we are reminded every day


One Million Waves creative

Earth’s oceans are about 3.8 billion years old. Ocean waves are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the wind blowing on the surface of the water, plus


Gods and Historians creative

Do you want to be a god? Do you want to think like a god? Do you want to see the world as gods do? Then study history. Historians are


Reason is a Time-Travel Machine brainy

Hi {Professional Theologian}, Great to hear from you. It sounds like you are living a full life! And thank you again for engaging with me. You asked why I focus so


Is Science a Psychology? brainy

There is an irony in the debate about whether psychology should be considered a science. The more important question is whether science is a psychology. And I’m here to argue


The Face on the Wall creative

It was late at night, and I was having trouble sleeping. So I was just laying there, staring at the ceiling. Sometimes I would turn over and stare at the
